I have felt like

horrible somewhat today, must be having a dip in my mood. I want to get out to the Y early and just walk. I still don’t walk enough per week.

It has been all I can do this up time to push through and get things done and I still don’t have much done. I never get much done.

I think when I remodel my house here I will turn that back porch into a dog washing room with the tubs like they use in grooming salons. Ivory suggested that to me and now I wish I had taken them up on it. I could have had a real nice place to groom my dogs back there. She said one of these days you won’t be able to sit on your knees and bath them dogs in the bath tub like you do, and that day has not arrived yet, as I am still doing it, but……it sure would be nice to have that done. He was gonna put big windows and overhead lighting and really fix it nice, and at the time I had the money, now I don’t have the money. Sure wish I had done it, but when I remodel I think I will do that and then build a smaller porch around the room, like a wraparound porch out there.

I am gonna make due here until the last minute and then get it all redone. One reason is I am always feeling like I might move back to apartments…..and I don’t want to put a lot of money in this house only to have to sell it for nothing when I leave anyway. Houses here are not selling at all and it is worse because of this town’s bad reputation.

So….I keep putting it all off until later.

A face lift in this house would really help my mood. I just am still not ready for all that. I hate having workmen come in here and do anything. They act so silly.